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Thursday, December 13, 2012


I'm Lazy today, may be it's because of the December vibe. Decembers for me are unlike any other month in a year. It's the holidays so I tend to binge on food, lose my diet and gain weight. It also makes you spend a lot of money to buy stuffs for gifts or for yourself. January on the other hand is one of my fave month, because it's the year starter, First month on the job, new year's resolutions, and a lot of openings! haha!
I hope I could find time next year on my busy schedule to still update this blog. Well I can still rely on weekends off, but not so much since I'm always out of the house. haha. January Oh I want you so bad!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I came to a point when I saw myself in the mirror before, looking at that pretty little face that there's something wrong. I'm not taking care of myself anymore. My family and my boyfriend keeps on telling me but I never listened. It's been years since I stopped being aware of my skin needs. I realized that I should take an action to this. One day, my best friend told me to look at this video of a woman, she's pretty and she never neglects her beauty regime. I got so inspired to her documentary videos about beauty and stuffs that I started replenishing. I was a beauty freak before when I was in high school but I began having a low self-esteem and I went back to a simpler me. I don't know what happened to me but I think it was from the bullies in high school that drove me back to basics. Now, the good thing is I'm starting off as a "kikay" again, buying stuffs, make-ups and tons of clothes. My motto now is to never leave the house without make-up or not in a fashionable outfit. I know what and where to dress. I don't over-do it. I'm in love with make-up, I love urban decay so make sure you have one in your train case! It's really great! Mac too! I also love Tory Burch's shoes and bags! I'm collecting them now. I hope I can complete my goal of 20 shoes and 20 bags from Tory. Sounds too much? but I am already addicted to it. (giggled) I am so in love with pink and I make sure that all my stuffs are. I'm having fun being girly and I'm very much contented. Beauty and success is happiness!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Mind or the Heart?

         When I woke up, I heard the birds chirping and felt the warmness of the day. I never felt this feeling before like it was a morning madness. Last night it felt right but then today it felt wrong. My patience is running out. My mind tells me to stop thinking but I can't. Is it possible for me to leave him behind? Is it difficult to distrust this person just because I felt some negative vibes within me? I still don't know. My Mind shouts, "Give him a taste of his own medicine! Be mad, Be angry!", but my heart sends a different message, "trust him! Believe in him.". When I remember the times he made me feel like nothing and when he made me look stupid, I told myself to let him go. I knew in my heart that it was the last but then He asked for forgiveness and I still have the love to let him come back. Which I did. After years in our relationship, the past tries to turn it more difficult, more petrifying like we don't know if there is an end or not. Some people tried to tear us apart and for some they try to enter the relationship. Though there are some who doesn't like where we stand, we keep a communication that no one can ever know. I just don't like it when someone is so nice to you and look at you straight in the eye but then when you're not there they tend to despise you. If you're all a real friend or if you can just be someone who can be a good friend, please don't stab them at the back. If you want to say something then tell them right away. Be mature enough to handle the situations properly.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Conclusion Of My Identity..

I'm a person of greatness. I feel the greatness in me. I am full of life, I never surrender.
I am gullible at times and I tend to believe with the intentions of friends. Though I'm easy going, I don't stoop down to the level in any of those people who try to pull me. I still face it with dignity and self-reliance. As you see me being strong and snarky, I'm still sympathetic and compassionate. I can't stand it when my loved ones and friends are being hurt or being stepped on. I am a little devlish, so don't try it on me. Some people don't believe or don't even bother listening to me. May be because they're deaf of reality. I may not be perfect but I still have a heart. I can't let anyone crush it nor shake it. It may sound fragile, but no one can break it, no way. I never put too much time on speaking out or writing things about my life. Damn, tedious work. What you don't know about me is that I never EVER betray any of my friends, but some do it to me apparently. I also trained myself  not to put others in jeopardy. That I always believe in people who still have goodness in their heart. That I have always been shy, though I'm very noisy. The one's who truly know me are only my Family, my boyfriend and my best friends. That I don't like fights and I always leave the argument behind. Actually, a lot of you doesn't know my real personality, that's why some ignores me or despises me. Understanding me is a little difficult for some people but to some it's so not. I was mean and cranky but now I can see myself changing over the years. I may not be that smart but I am full of wisdom. My judgments are always right but I don't speak it out. Everything I do or everything I did, I don't find remorse. It was all fair to me. Whatever I did wrong are all a petty mistake. Bad choices are different  from mistakes. From mistakes, you learn and from bad choices you have a poor sense of judgment. 

                           These are some of my favorite quotations....

                           “It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” 
                                                                                           ― Albert Einstein
              “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” 
                                   ― Harlan Ellison 

Sunday, August 26, 2012



- used to describe all the awesome people in the world... people with the brains and the beauty... people who are different... in other words unique... people who stand up for whats right... people who dont care what other people think... people who are just... awesome...

We are all one of a kind. God made us this way. Always Smile!

credits to Lady Gaga,(Born this Way)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beauty Ventures: Over the counter face products

Being unsure on face products? Having a difficulty on testing products to your face? 
Well, here's a solution for you. I've been looking for products that suits my skin and i found some.
I only use what's best on my skin especially here in the Philippines, it's sunny and the air is polluted.

  • Watson's Green tea anti-oxidant deep cleansing mud-  it helps protect skin from environmental damage and the signs of aging.
  • Clean & Clear deep action cleanser- removes dirt, oil and make-up.
  • Celeteque hydration facial wash- it's gentle yet effectively clean without drying your skin.
  • Watson's deep action shine control mosturizer- it's anti-bacterial, hydrates the skin and it prevents spots and blackheads. it won't clog pores.
  • Belo essential's dermwhite plus whitening face wash- nourishes, as skin vitamins deeply penetrates the skin. with Glutathione, kojic acid, gigawhite and skin vitamins.
I hope that these will help you. It cheaper yet effective. You can buy these at drugstores and groceries nationwide. 

Beauty Ventures: DIY face Exfoliant

 Since we are in the Philippines, I'd have to recommend products that you can find here. Taking care of your face is one of the most important beauty regime's for our skin. When going out of the house the sweat, the oiliness, and the dirt that sticks to our skin creates unwanted pimples, white heads, black heads and  rough skin. As i may add to that is the SUN which creates dark spots and other pigmentations in our face. One of the best solutions is Exfoliating.



  • 1 tsp. of Lemon/ 1 Calamansi juice
  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 1 tetra pack of Quaker oats (ground it using a blender or a grinder)
  • a little amount of water so it can stick on your face

Steps on making your own facial scrub:

  1. Prepare a small bowl. 
  2. Grind the Oats a little.
  3. In the bowl add the Lemon/Calamansi, Oats and the water altogether until it slightly thickens.
  4. Then, add the sugar and mix it.
  5. apply to your face and avoid the eye area.
  6. Rub it a circular motion until it covers the face.
  7. leave it on for about 2-3 mins. and VOILA! 

 "Have a supple and healthy skin!"